Busy Mom’s Guide: Last-Minute Valentine’s Day

valentines7love holidays! Especially ones that include roses, chocolate, and romance. Yes, that’s me, I am absolutely a Valentine’s Day sucker. But the difference this year is that I have no time. No. Time. Not that I couldn’t make time, but I found it creeping up on me so quickly and before I know it, we’re less than a week away! I’m usually pretty organized about things, but the past few months have kicked my butt and now I’m behind. Here are a few projects I managed to throw together. (Note: No, these are not Martha Stewart-esque, completely unrealistic, you-can’t-tell-me-you-actually-have-children kind of projects. These are truly easy, and fast! I should know – I could do them!)


Goodies are always a win – especially when they’re super easy! Whether it’s no-chill sugar cookies with the easiest frosting tip ever, or a bunch of box-mix cupcakes turned heart-cake, there are plenty of fast ways to make your day extra yummy.valentines3

Check out these stupid-easy recipes/tips from my Sweet Dreams board:




My biggest beef against Valentine’s Day cards? Glitter. I love it – unless I’m using it with a toddler. Then it becomes my worst nightmare. Enter, glitter-less, adorable Valentine’s for your kiddos to make! valentine10We played around with a few different ideas (I love the fingerprint art designs!) – check out a zillion others on my Valentine’s Day board:



Decorating is probably one of my biggest holiday weaknesses. Not as in, I do it too much, more like, I don’t do it at all. It seems like the only holidays I know how to decorate for are fall and Christmas! But I’m trying to get better. So I took a baby-step and tried these beauties! Are you impressed? I am! valentine11The directions & tutorial were very easy and well-explained; the only thing that surprised me was how long they took to dry. But the process itself was done in minutes! Find a bunch of other easy decor DIY’s on my Valentine’s Day board:

  • Painted Mason Jars How To
  • Easy 10-Minute Valentine’s Day Wall Art 
    This is actually the only one I haven’t tried – but I’m hoping to, I’m absolutely in love with it!!
  • Washi Tape Clothes Pins 
    I varied this one a little bit to make it more Valentine’s Dayish. I used mine for decoration and for gifts! valentines8Super cute to give – Grandma still has hers on the fridge hanging the latest artwork from my Little Miss. (Foam glitter hearts that came in packs of 10 at Michael’s, adhesive magnet on the back, and the painted clothes pin was attached to the front with hot-glue. Total project time 10 minutes (not including drying time). Would be super easy to do multiples!)





No matter what you can or can’t do this year, I hope you have a delightfully yummy, superbly mushy Valentine’s Day!


 ❤ Jasmine

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